2020 Christmas Letter

14 thoughts on “2020 Christmas Letter”

  1. I can’t tell you how much I look forward to your annual missive! Thank you for being you and for sharing these images, thoughts, and insights. Really think that we need to put together some kind of AU reunion! Hugs, Suzanne

  2. This brought tears to my eyes. So beautiful, despite the challenges. May 2021 be as fine and hopeful as you so optimistically suggest. Best to you and Keith, and I’ll keep your mom in my thoughts.

  3. Really beautiful, Alan. But you end with a cliff hanger and the sequel release in January 2022? Not cool

  4. Alan— Deepest gratitude for another gorgeously candid, entertaining epistolary summary of the year. Your photos truly make me so homesick for Rappahannock Co. and the farm life. You and Keith are doing so, so well. My fervent hope for 2021 is to finally wrap up my work here on the island so that I can move back home to Virginia. Your annual email has once again inspired me to get that done. Sending you both big hugs and best wishes. As ever— Guy

  5. Alan your letter exceeded my high expectations of it. Bruce said you went to Aotearoa and you sure did. We loved seeing all those places we love through your eyes – Rippon Vineyard being one and the takahe at Zealandia who were our neighbours for a very special while. Sigh. I’ll be keeping your mother and your family in our thoughts. Your garden is magnificent and your pastures are indeed very green. Looking forward to the optimist future you are anticipating (is that how Camus ended The Plague? – which I obviously haven’t read, yet. I seem to recall he always had happy endings…) Here’s to better days and even greener pastures, Patty O

  6. Read with great interest and appreciation, Alan. I now completely understand not hearing much from either of you this past year and I must say I hope my frequent emails with comments have not annoyed you too much. It seems I can barely remember the last time I spent a little time with you guys, I think it was perhaps two years ago when we met up at the condo or at Clyde’s…wasn’t that about 2 years ago? You really shouldn’t keep referring to yourself as an “old man”, after all I’ll be 75 very soon so what does that make me, “ancient”? Hope we can meet up before 2 more years elapse!

  7. Alan, just finished reading your Christmas Letter and I remember the Christmas’s we had when you were younger. I remember opening presents on Christmas Eve after going to church and being at your Grandma & Grandpa’s house for dinner. These were much simpler times and Grandma playing the piano and singing Christmas Carols.

    I got my DNA results back & I’m 73% Scottish & 23% Irish. I have been linked to Grandma Hopkins relatives back to great great grandparents & Grandpa Hopkins back to great great grandparents. I am still working on it, but will share that with you.

    I’m not as confident as you seem to be about 2021.

    Aunt Liz

    I made Tablet, but maybe you get some for your birthday. I got my DNA results and I’m 73% Scottish, and

  8. What a beautiful, encouraging letter! I always look forward to your end of year summary and feel much like you do about hibernating for periods of time to recup—it is good for the soul to my mind!

    Best wishes to you and Keith for the very east of 2021!

    Hugs to you both from a distance.

    Fran Krebser

  9. You truly have a way with words, Alan, and the photos from New Zealand are spectacular. Best wishes for you and Keith, More fun in ’21!!

  10. I loved this. Of course, it’s the first of your missives that I have seen. I hope to read many more.

  11. Your year-end letters consistently and graphically encapsulate a life well-lived; both you and Keith grab it and make it your own with extraordinary fulfillment. I so miss you both, but fully enjoy our phone contacts…thank you for Not Zoom-ing. I too like the comfort of wearing jammies and especially easing into the day, one part of the pandemic-isolation’s good points. I am blessed to have you both in my family. Your 2020 was incredibly full despite the lengthy lockdown. The cliffhanger has certainly piqued my interest! May 2021 bring all good things, continued good COVID-free health, and outstanding wines and dines. Miss you guys!

  12. Hi Alan,

    Loved your letter. Wow. You did a great job of putting it together! You are such a gifted story teller. If you will send me your email address, I will share more. So very sorry to hear about your Mom being ill. You and Keith are so talented.


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